At the present time, there are a huge number of nutritional systems for weight loss, so everyone who wants to lose weight will choose the right one for themselves. Drinking is a good choice for those looking for effective diets. It is tough and hard to comply with, but the result is worth it. The nutritional system helps to lose weight, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and reduce the volume of the stomach. She has characteristic features, side effects and contraindications that you definitely need to know about.
Drinking Diet Principles
The nutrition system in question is one of the most effective for weight loss. It involves avoiding solid foods and consuming only low-calorie liquids. Weight is reduced due to the rapid digestion and elimination of drinks from the body. The drinking regimen serves several purposes:
- weight reduction;
- normalization of the work of internal organs;
- detoxification of the body;
- reducing the load on the digestive system.
The diet belongs to the category of rigid, and its effect is manifested gradually. In the body, processes take place due to which fat reserves are consumed. The effect of the drinking regime in stages:
Period |
Action on the body |
First-third days |
The body reacts against the new harsh regime. Fatigue, bad mood, bouts of severe hunger may appear. The first day is the most difficult. By the third day, the body begins to get used to it, the feeling of hunger gradually dulls. |
First week |
There is a superficial cleaning of the body. |
Second week |
All toxins are eliminated from the kidneys and liver. |
3-4 weeks |
The body is cleansed at the cellular level. |
The drinking regimen has a number of rules that must be followed in order to achieve the desired result. Important recommendations:
- Before restricting yourself in food, consult your doctor.
- Eliminate anything that needs to be chewed from your diet.
- Monitor your bowel movements regularly. In case of persistent diarrhea or constipation, you must immediately stop drinking weight loss.
- The optimal daily calorie content is 1200 kcal.
- For the period of weight loss, cancel physical activity.
- Try to create a varied diet by combining drinks from the list of allowed drinks.
- It is advisable that the serving size per meal does not exceed 200 ml.

Like any diet, drinking has positive aspects, thanks to which it is chosen by women around the world. The main advantages of the mode:
- The body is cleansed of toxins and toxins.
- The volume of the stomach decreases. After losing weight, you will eat significantly smaller portions of food.
- High efficiency. Depending on the duration, the results of a drinking diet are minus 3-18 kg.
- Excess energy is released. You will not feel tired, sleep will be normalized.
- If all the rules of the nutritional system are observed, the general condition of the body will improve. If you are tormented by constipation and other malfunctions in the digestive tract, then they will disappear, blood pressure will normalize. By cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, the condition and color of the skin will improve.
- Availability. The diet does not require significant financial costs.
The regime is very strict, so it has a number of disadvantages that every person planning to try it must know about. A rigid drinking diet has the following disadvantages:
- With the wrong exit, anorexia can develop.
- Not everyone feels lightness in the body and a surge of vitality. For some, the entire period of weight loss is pursued by lethargy, fatigue.
- The body is under severe stress from such a strict regime.
- You need to strictly follow the menu. Relaxation and violations of the regime are unacceptable.
- From time to time you will feel hungry.
- An unbalanced diet causes a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. You will need to take them additionally.
- There are many contraindications, side effects. A strong breath and plaque on the tongue must appear. The dieting process can be accompanied by:
- decreased immunity;
- anemia;
- nausea;
- severe swelling in the morning;
- irregular bowel movements;
- disorders in the work of the kidneys;
- diarrhea;
- tearfulness;
- bloating;
- constipation;
- anemia;
- vitamin deficiency;
- dizziness;
- deterioration of the skin;
- the development of gastritis;
- problems with blood formation.
The diet is very strict and some people are strictly forbidden to follow it. Many nutritionists believe that it should be discarded for any health problem. Contraindications to losing weight on a drinking regimen are:
- mental problems;
- weakened body;
- increased irritability;
- children, adolescence, old age;
- pregnancy;
- varicose veins;
- gastritis;
- breastfeeding period;
- a tendency to edema;
- cystitis;
- bulimia;
- cardiovascular insufficiency;
- problems with the digestive tract;
- pressure surges;
- liver and kidney diseases.

Preparing for a drinking diet
If you switch to a drinking regimen abruptly, then the work of the gastrointestinal tract can be severely disrupted. If you properly prepare for the diet, then it will be easier for you to follow it, especially in the early days, when the body will experience a strong lack of solid food. Thanks to the entry, it will be possible to minimize the risk of negative effects of the drinking regime on health. Any junk food should be abandoned, gradually introducing semi-liquid and liquid dishes into the diet. Menu when preparing for a diet:
Day |
Breakfast |
Dinner |
Dinner |
one |
Gruel |
Familiar to you |
Former |
2 |
Mashed potatoes |
3 |
Soup-puree |
Mashed vegetables |
four |
Ryazhenka |
Fatty meat broth |
Fruit puree |
five |
Kefir |
Chicken bouillon |
Smoothie |
6 |
Milk |
Vegetable broth |
Herbal tea |
Types of drinking diet
There are several different weight loss regimens, the main difference being the duration. You need to choose one of them, taking into account how many kilograms you want to lose. Types of diet:
- One day. After sitting on a drinking regime for a day, you will lose 1-1. 5 kilograms. This is not a diet, but a fasting day, during which only liquids are allowed. It will not harm the body, but it will not provide a sustainable result either. You can practice fasting days several times a month.
- Drinking diet for 3 days. The regimen is relatively easy to follow, you can lose weight by 3-4 kg on it. A three-day diet will not harm the body, it will only cleanse it, help normalize metabolism. The best option for people who need to rapidly lose weight before some important event.
- Weekly. The most optimal period for compliance with the drinking regime. You will lose up to a kilogram per day, and the total plumb line will be 7 kg. Only people who do not have health problems can go on a weekly diet. The menu can be composed independently from any permitted drinks. To increase efficiency, it is better to choose dishes of the same category for each day (broths, juices, compotes, etc. ).
- Two-week. On this version of the diet, you can lose weight by 13 kg maximum. The menu can be individually compiled or the meals can be categorized as in the weekly mode. The daily calorie content should be approximately 1200-1400 kcal. It is impossible to start losing weight without first consulting a doctor.
- Drinking diet for 30 days. The toughest version of the regime. Before you sit on it, you need to consult a doctor, make sure there are no contraindications. You can use all drinks from the allowed list, smoothies, mashed soups, broths. For a month on this diet, you can lose up to 18 kg. The total daily calorie content is 1200-1400 kcal. You should leave the diet for at least 60 days.
Allowed and Prohibited Products
For the entire period of the diet, the use of any solid food should be categorically abandoned. You can not drink cocoa, sugary and carbonated drinks, alcohol, fatty dairy products and broths (lamb, pork), packaged juices, marinades, pickles. What will the diet of the diet consist of:
- meat, fish, vegetable broth (prepared at home, without broth cubes and similar flavor enhancers);
- freshly squeezed natural juices (best of all from apples and citrus fruits);
- milk with a low percentage of fat (no more than 2. 5%);
- smoothies and cocktails made from fruits and berries;
- fermented milk products with a low fat content (1. 5-2. 5%);
- jelly (especially oatmeal);
- natural yoghurts;
- coffee (rarely);
- vegetable soups;
- any tea without sugar;
- mineral or filtered water (at least 1. 5 liters per day).

Drinking diet menu for 3 days
The diet option that will be presented below is not the toughest, lightweight. By sticking to it, you will lose approximately 2-3 kg. Within three days, you must follow the following menu (the volume of each portion is 200 ml):
Day |
The first is dairy products (200 ml each) |
The second is broths (200 ml each) |
Third - juices (200 ml each) |
Breakfast |
Milk |
Any vegetable |
Grapefruit |
Lunch |
Yogurt |
Beetroot |
Tomato |
Dinner |
Ryazhenka |
Meat |
Orange |
Afternoon snack |
Yogurt |
Potato |
Grape |
Dinner |
Kefir |
Chicken |
Apple |
Exiting a drinking diet
The return to the usual regime after drinking should be smooth, otherwise the results of losing weight will quickly fade away. The exit should last twice as long as the diet itself. At first, solid food can be eaten only for breakfast, and lunch and dinner can be made drinking. From flour, fatty, fried should be abandoned or abstained as long as possible. Gradually introduce solid foods for lunch and then for dinner. Approximate exit menu for 7 days:
Day |
Diet recommendations |
1-3 |
Cook thick cereals for breakfast in water without sugar (200 g). Lunch and dinner remain drinkable. |
four |
In the morning, eat a serving of low-fat cottage cheese (180 g). During the rest of the time, drink drinks from the allowed list. |
five |
Breakfast - 3 hard boiled eggs. Lunch, dinner - drink. |
6 |
Thick porridge without sugar in water (180 g) and a few slices of hard cheese (40 g) in the morning. The rest of the time, only permitted drinks. |
7 |
Breakfast - fruit salad (200 g). Lunch - stewed vegetables (200 g). Dinner is a drink. |
- "After 25 years, I recovered greatly due to stress, picked up a diet to get myself in order, and stopped drinking. I immediately decided to follow the 30-day regimen. Enough for me for a week. For my body, the drinking regimen became torture. The feeling of hunger did not disappear. I lost 5 kg, but this is not at all what I was counting on. "
- "When I need to quickly lose a few pounds, I choose drinking weight loss. I tried different modes. A 10-day drinking diet helps me a lot. I have sat on it four times already, no health problems have arisen. The regime is given to me easily, because I like to drink and water, juices, smoothies. I dropped 12 kg maximum. "
- "I have tried many diets in my life because I tend to be overweight. As for drinking, I can say that it is one of the most difficult. The refusal of solid food for my body was painful, I was in a light-headed state all the time. I planned to lose weight for two weeks, but withstood only 5 days. I lost 4 kg, but they returned after a month. "
- "A few years ago, a friend persuaded me to try drinking weight loss with her, she said that it’s easier to stay in the company. We decided to choose a two-week regimen. It was difficult at first, but distracted each other from thoughts of food. By the end of the first week, they got involved. They lasted all two weeks, I lost 13 kg, and my friend - 14 kg. "